6 Ways to Keep a Relationship Non-Toxic

Give it a must-try for a better tomorrow

Pranjal Saxena
Better Advice


Source: Pexels

Modern day relationships are so hard to interpret. Our idea of relationships have been completely been shaped due to the media that we consume, the series we watch and whatnot. For over three years of my relationship, I didn’t even realize that the last year was toxic as heck. What I had been through, I don’t want anyone else to go through the same difficulties so here is my piece of advice to save you guys from a toxic relationship.

It so happens that sometimes you are blinded by the love that you and your partner share and you guys tend to overlook the other factors of the relationship. If you feel you can relate to the red flags that I am going to share then do consider checking out the advice that I have in store for you too to save your relationship from going downhill. Here’s my say on how to keep a relationship non-toxic:

1. Communication should be your greatest friend

If your partner is quiet about the things that they want, and they bring it up in an argument later that “if you love me, you should have known what I wanted” this is a red flag that the relationship could be toxic.

When two people share an intimate bond with each other it is very essential for them to communicate through it! No matter how silly or simple a thing may sound to you, if you want your partner to know about it then it is your right to speak up. Don’t hold things in!

2. Set some boundaries

If your partner starts hanging out with other people without mentioning it to you or if they act over friendly with someone in your absence then it could be a sign of toxicity too. A person who loves you genuinely would not ever think of knowingly hurting you in any way possible.

Discuss with your partner that you are not comfortable with the way that they act around some person.

Tell them that you feel the boundaries set are being trespassed. Crossing once unknowingly is okay but to keep a relationship non-toxic you should discuss the boundaries with your partner quite frequently.

3. Don’t be controlling

This is one of the worst things that you could do to your partner. Understand that you are not their parent or their owner. You can call your significant other “you are mine” all that you want, but I suggest not to take it quite literally.

After all your partner is a different human within themselves, if they like wearing some kind of clothes that you don’t like then it is you who has to adjust with it. If your partner wants to go to a different city for a placement or for the best of their career then you have no right whatsoever to stop them.

Discuss with your partner on finding a middle ground between things. Distribute times when things will go according to your partner and then according to you, this is how you can avoid being controlling.

4. Be self-dependent

Understand that everyone has their own problems in their life. You cannot base the idea of your happiness on the way your partner acts. If your partner is sad then try to cheer them up in every way possible. Don’t be sad with them too instead lift them up and preserve your happiness too.

This way there could be less toxicity because there are no expectations that the other person’s duty is to look after you completely. No! Your partner can only help you heal, but they cannot do the entire process of healing for you. It is solely your responsibility to be independent and not push things onto your partner just because they love you.

They would be happy to help but let’s be honest it could get toxic later.

5. Avoid resentment

Do you find yourself or your partner clinging to the past? This is yet another toxic trait. You cannot call your relationship healthy if you have half solved problems that you bring up in every other fight.

If something about a past fight bothers you in the present let your partner know about it. Solve it together and bury it deep under the ground.

If you keep on solving fights only halfway through then it is certain that it could resurface at any other time in the future later. Ask and answer about each and every aspect to avoid any resentments.

6. Be open to the mistakes you make

We are all humans after all, so mistakes are bound to happen. If your partner says that something you have done has hurt them then do not try to guilt shame them. Any person who truly loves you wouldn’t unnecessarily want to blame you for things. Surely there has to be a valid reason behind everything.

Let your partner know that you messed up and are willing to work upon it. Put in your efforts and everything will be alright.

Hope you liked these few tips. They have truly saved my current relationship from getting toxic and hope it saves yours too.

Spread love!

